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“The most effective leaders delegate not only tasks, but also authority and responsibility.” – John C. Maxwell 


Are you tired of being stuck in a cycle of firefighting and constantly juggling urgent tasks? As a business owner / leader, effective execution is crucial if you’re going to be able to sustainably drive growth to achieve the success you dream of. But it’s all too easy to get caught up in day-to-day operational demands, leaving little time for strategic initiatives. That’s where mastering the art of prioritisation and delegating for success becomes your key to unlocking effective execution.

For, without effective execution, your strategy plans and vision remain little more than dreams.

Building on the insights from my previous article, “Mastering Decisive Leadership,” we’re now looking more deeply into a crucial aspect of leadership – delegation, and how effective delegation is a catalyst to make those plans a reality.

Delegation is often misconceived as merely assigning tasks. In reality, though, it’s a strategic tool that extends far beyond this: entrusting authority and responsibility to team members, rather than just giving them tasks and micromanaging them, empowers them to take ownership of their work. This empowerment, in turn, fosters a sense of trust and respect within the team, creating a more dynamic and effective working environment.

For executives, therefore, delegation is not just a leadership skill, but a necessity for growth and sustainability. Effective delegation is about striking the right balance between control and empowerment, guidance and independence, and the ability to delegate effectively allows you to focus on the bigger picture – strategic planning and the sustainable development of your business – while ensuring that the day-to-day operations are managed efficiently.

Understanding Delegation

The essence of delegation, as highlighted by Maxwell, is more than a mere task assignment – it’s the transfer of authority and responsibility. True delegation empowers team members, giving them the freedom to make decisions and the accountability for the outcomes. This empowerment is crucial in creating a culture of trust and mutual respect, where each team member feels valued and integral to the success of your business.

However, a clear understanding of each team member’s strengths and areas for growth is critical in this process – it’s about being able to match tasks with the right individuals, considering their skills, experiences, and career aspirations. This approach not only ensures that tasks are completed efficiently but also fosters professional development within the team.

And, of course, effective delegation involves clear communication, requiring leaders to articulate expectations, provide necessary resources, and offer guidance without micromanaging. This clarity helps team members understand their roles and responsibilities, ensuring they are equipped to handle the tasks at hand, while continuing to develop their skills.

Effective delegation also entails trust, requiring leaders to step back and allow team members to take ownership, make decisions, and learn from their experiences. This trust is a powerful motivator, driving team members to perform at their best and contribute meaningfully to the business’s success.

In summary, understanding delegation in its true form is key to effective leadership. It’s about empowering your team, trusting their capabilities, and providing them with the tools and guidance they need to succeed.

The Leader’s Focus: Steering Away from Firefighting

As a business leader, it’s common to find yourself trapped in the role of “Employee #1” or “Chief Firefighter,” where you are deeply involved in day-to-day operational tasks. While it may seem necessary at times, this can hinder your effectiveness as a strategic leader, and moving from operational to strategic focus is vital.

Delegation plays a key role in this transition. By delegating routine and operational tasks, you can shift your attention to strategic planning and business growth.

  • Prioritise Strategic Tasks: Identify tasks that align with long-term goals and require your expertise. Focus your efforts on these high-impact activities.
  • Trust Your Team: Build a trustworthy team capable of handling operational tasks. This trust is crucial for freeing up your time for strategic thinking.
  • Develop a Strategic Mindset: Regularly review your business strategy and align your daily activities with these strategic objectives.
  • Balance Operational and Strategic Roles: Find a balance between being involved in day-to-day operations and focusing on long-term strategic planning.

Focusing on strategic tasks enables you to better drive your businesses towards sustained growth and success and avoid the feelings of being overwhelmed and burnt-out so common among business executives.

The Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritising for Delegation

Among the tools available to help with prioritising tasks, the Eisenhower Matrix is my favourite – it’s simple and highly effective.

The Eisenhower Matrix provides a clear framework to distinguish between tasks that require their immediate attention and those that can be delegated by dividing tasks into four categories based on their urgency and importance: urgent and important (Do now), important but not urgent (Do later – schedule), urgent but not important (Delegate), and neither urgent nor important (Ditch). Tasks that are urgent but not important are prime candidates for delegation as they don’t necessarily require the leader’s unique skills, making them perfect for empowering team members.

By using the Eisenhower Matrix, you can efficiently allocate your time and resources to tasks that necessitate your expertise and strategic input, focusing on high-impact activities, such as strategic planning and business development, while delegating other tasks to their team.

Incorporating the Eisenhower Matrix into daily workflow aids in creating a balanced approach to task management. It allows leaders to delegate effectively, ensuring that both urgent and important tasks are addressed timeously, and the team’s efforts are aligned with the business’s strategic goals.

Tools and Techniques for Effective Delegation

Effective delegation in leadership is more than just assigning tasks; it’s a strategic process that requires careful planning and the right tools. For business leaders, delegating effectively is crucial for focusing on growth and strategic goals. Here are some of the key tools and techniques for effective delegation:

  • Task Management Software: Utilise digital tools like Asana, Trello, or These platforms allow for clear assignment of tasks, deadlines, and progress tracking, ensuring everyone is on the same page.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Establish a system of regular check-ins rather than micromanaging, or long weekly update meetings. These can be simple reports, perhaps using a shared communication platform like Slack, or brief status update meetings (I would suggest stand-up meetings if you are taking this approach), providing a balance of oversight and autonomy.
  • Clear Communication: Set explicit expectations for each task. This includes the desired outcome, deadline, and any necessary resources or constraints.
  • Empower with Authority: When you delegate a task, also delegate the necessary authority to make decisions related to it. This empowers team members and builds trust.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Implement a two-way feedback system. Encourage team members to provide updates and ask questions, and offer constructive feedback to guide them.
  • Training and Resources: Ensure your team has the necessary skills and resources. Ensuring appropriate training is provided will enhance their capabilities, and training plans should form a key part of the performance review mechanism.

By integrating these tools and techniques, leaders can delegate effectively, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently while also empowering their team members.

Drawing Parallels: The 20-Mile March and Focused Leadership

Jim Collins, in his study of exceptional companies, introduced the concept of The 20-Mile March –  the practice of achieving consistent, cumulative progress. This principle parallels effective delegation in leadership. For leaders and businesses, consistent performance outlasts spasmodic bursts of action. By delegating effectively, you enable your organisation to keep the pace of a disciplined march, ensuring that even in times of calm or chaos, progress remains undeterred.

Delegating appropriately enables leaders to ensure steady progress in their businesses – not rushing towards the next urgent task, but moving systematically towards strategic goals, akin to the disciplined approach of the 20-Mile March.

  • Consistency in Progress: Just as The 20-Mile March advocates for steady, consistent effort, effective delegation allows for continuous progress in business operations.
  • Focus on Long-Term Goals: With operational tasks delegated, leaders can concentrate on long-term objectives, ensuring the business stays on track towards its strategic goals.

This approach underlines the importance of sustained effort and focused leadership for business growth and success.

Nurturing a Delegation Culture

Creating a culture that not only accepts but champions delegation takes intentional effort. This involves hiring the right people, establishing trust, and articulating the correlation between delegation and personal growth. Nobody’s career flourished from doing only what they were told; it’s the added responsibilities and the empowered decisions that shape leaders.

Empowerment doesn’t mean abdication. There must be a balance: you provide guidance while giving enough space for ownership and personal judgment. One way to nurture a culture ready for delegation is through regular training and development, equipping your team to rise to the challenges you delegate with confidence. Encourage their input and foster a two-way feedback loop that allows for continuous improvement and innovation.


In summary, effective delegation is a cornerstone of successful leadership; it’s not a sign of weakness or relinquishment of control but of strength.

By utilising strategic tools like the Eisenhower Matrix, leaders can prioritise tasks and empower their teams through delegation, enhancing team productivity and morale while allowing leaders to focus on strategic, high-impact activities, and to avoid feeling overwhelmed or burnt-out.

Embracing delegation transforms leaders from operational managers to visionary strategists, propelling their businesses toward long-term success with the steady, unwavering approach of the 20-Mile March.

Remember, effective delegation is about more than just task distribution; it’s about entrusting your team with responsibility and authority, fostering a culture of trust, and aligning efforts with your business’s strategic goals.


It’s your turn now:

What strategies have you found most effective in delegating tasks within your business? How has embracing delegation impacted your leadership style and your organisation’s success? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below.


For more articles in this month’s focus on Executing Effectively, see below:

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And, if you’d like learn more related to delegation and execution, the following articles and posts might also be of interest.

Related Posts


HBR: To Be a Great Leader, You Have to Learn How to Delegate Well

Forbes: How To Master The Art Of Delegation

Fortune: What to Delegate First

Fast Company: 8 Habits Of Leaders Who Know How To Delegate



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