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“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.” – Peter Drucker


In the fast-paced world of business, time is an invaluable commodity. It’s the currency with which we purchase success, and the foundation upon which we build our professional lives. Yet, for many business owners and CEOs, mastering time management remains a constant struggle. They find themselves overwhelmed by tasks, juggling multiple priorities, entangled in the immediacy of day-to-day affairs, overlooking the transformative power of focusing on what truly matters and feeling perpetually behind.

The reality is that we all have the same amount of time – 24 hours in a day, 7 days a week. The difference between those who master time management and those who struggle is not the amount of time they have, but how they choose to use it.

Time mastery is a competitive advantage. Without effective time management skills, you’ll find yourself constantly firefighting, reacting to urgent tasks instead of proactively pursuing your goals. With strong time management, on the other hand, you accomplish more in less time, reduce stress, and create space for high-value work. Your organisational skills multiply opportunities while poor habits lead to chronic frustration.

In this article, we’ll explore best practices and strategies to master time management within your organisation. You’ll learn how to:

  • Identify time wasters and eliminate distractions.
  • Prioritise effectively using proven frameworks.
  • Delegate strategically to leverage team strengths.
  • Take control of your calendar to plan proactively.
  • Adopt productivity hacks that drive efficiency.
  • Create individual and company-wide time management habits.

With a deliberate approach, you can make every minute count, accelerate growth, and accomplish your most important goals. So, let’s dive in.

Assessing How You Currently Spend Time

Before implementing new time management strategies, it’s important to understand how you and your team currently spend the time. Analyse:

  • Calendar Review: Audit your calendar and emails for patterns. How much time is spent in meetings vs. focused work? How often are you reactive vs. proactive?
  • Task Analysis: Categorise your daily activities as either: 1) Important and urgent, 2) Important but not urgent, 3) Not important but urgent or 4) Not important and not urgent. What trends emerge?
  • Energy Levels: Note when your energy peaks and dips. Are you effective first thing in the morning or later in the day? Schedule high focus work during peak energy periods.
  • Time Trackers: Use time tracking software to analyse how much time is spent on different tasks. Identify potential waste or inefficiencies.
  • Team Feedback: Interview team members about their biggest time management frustrations and ideas for improvement. Discover pain points. Repeat this exercise at least annually to continue improvement.

Analysing time usage helps diagnose issues like distractions, lack of delegation, unclear priorities, reactionary scheduling, frequent context switching, inefficient processes and meetings, email overload, and more. The causes of mismanaged time will differ across teams and individuals. Accurately diagnosing the root problems provides direction for solutions.

Eliminating Time Wasters and Distractions

Once you’ve completed your analysis, take action to eliminate identified time wasters. Common pitfalls include:

  • Multitasking: Research shows multitasking reduces productivity by 40%. Focus on one task at a time.
  • Interruptions: Disable notifications, silence phones, schedule buffers between meetings to enable deep work.
  • Social Media: Limit scrolling to set times to avoid productivity drains.
  • Inefficient Communication: Clarify which mediums (email, chat, calls) to use for different scenarios to cut unnecessary correspondence.
  • Poor Meeting Practices: Shorten non-critical meetings, ensure clear purpose/agendas, politely decline attendances as needed.
  • Unclear Priorities: Establish company and employee priorities (see next section) so focus is clear. Use a planning framework with OKRs and KPIs. Alignment enables efficiency.
  • Perfectionism: Strive for excellence on critical goals, not absolute perfection. Done is better than perfect on low-value tasks.
  • Over-researching: Avoid analysis paralysis. Determine project needs and move forward judiciously.
  • Lack of Personal Organisation: Implement productivity systems like daily checklists, project plans, and task managers.

While distractions differ across teams, maintaining self-awareness and discipline to avoid productivity pitfalls leads to time savings. Small individual gains compound for major company impact.

Setting Priorities Using Proven Frameworks

With distractions curtailed, next focus on prioritisation. Tools like the Eisenhower Matrix and ABC Method can help optimise your tasks and schedule.

Eisenhower Matrix:

The Eisenhower Matrix categorises tasks based on importance and urgency. It uses four quadrants:

  • Important and urgent (Do First)
  • Important but not urgent (Schedule/Plan)
  • Not important but urgent (Delegate)
  • Not important and not urgent (Eliminate)

This method helps focus energy on important priorities first while delegating or eliminating time-wasting tasks. Schedule recurring time to handle important non-urgent efforts.

ABC Method:

The ABC Method ranks tasks as:

  • A Tasks: Very important. Provide the highest return on time invested. Schedule these first for peak energy periods.
  • B Tasks: Important but not urgent. Schedule after A tasks and deadlines.
  • C Tasks: Not urgent or important. Delegate or eliminate. Handle during low energy periods if needed.

Categorise your to-do list or projects into A, B, and C. Optimising your daily schedule around priority A tasks ensures you achieve the greatest impact.

Regularly analyse upcoming work using these frameworks. Identify misalignments between time usage and priorities so you can course correct. As priorities change, adjust your schedule accordingly. Consistent prioritisation drives productivity.

Strategic Delegation to Leverage Team Talents

One of the often-overlooked facets of effective time management is the art of delegation. Leaders, driven by a sense of urgency or a belief in their unique abilities, may find it challenging to entrust tasks to others. However, delegation is not a sign of weakness; it’s a leadership superpower.

Delegating tasks involves an initial investment of time to guide and train team members. However, the long-term benefits are manifold. It maximises your team’s talents while empowering professional growth, liberating you from the shackles of routine responsibilities, and allowing you to focus on strategic endeavours that contribute significantly to organisational success.

  • Match tasks and projects appropriately to each individual based on their skills, interests, and development needs.
  • Provide clear expectations and deadlines. Discuss how work will be evaluated. Check for understanding.
  • Resist reclaiming delegated tasks unless absolutely necessary. Let people learn through experience. Offer guidance, not micromanagement.
  • Recognise strong performance and course correct any issues promptly through supportive feedback.
  • Gradually increase delegated responsibilities as capabilities strengthen. This builds leadership bench strength.

Keep communication open. Employees should know what tasks they are responsible for and feel supported to succeed. Honest discussion around development areas leads to growth. Managers should provide adequate coaching while avoiding excessive handholding. With the right balance, delegation enhances individual and company productivity substantially.

Take Control of Your Calendar

An opportunistic vs. intentional approach to scheduling sabotages time management. Without proactive planning, days become consumed reacting to other people’s agendas and priorities.

Become the master of your calendar by:

  • Scheduling focus time for high priority projects first each day. Block time in your calendar to protect this time if needed. Don’t allow others to commandeer your peak energy periods.
  • Planning your week ahead on Fridays to optimise upcoming days and avoid unnecessary meetings. Group related tasks on designated days.
  • Avoiding overscheduling. Leave buffer time between activities and appointments. This enables you to complete work and transition focus.
  • Reviewing your calendar daily and redistributing lower priority items if overbooked. Limit schedule changes once time is blocked off to enable deep work.
  • Batching similar tasks together when possible (i.e. returning calls at a designated time) for efficiency.
  • Blocking out regular communication windows for email, avoiding constant distraction.

Owning your schedule allows you to be purposeful about how time is allocated. Structure your diary around key priorities first, with defensive buffers that enable uninterrupted focus. Don’t become hostage to other people’s priorities. Take charge of your time.

Hacks for Ultra-Productivity

Incorporating productivity hacks through your workday boosts efficiency. Try these strategies:

  • The Two-Minute Rule – If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately vs. adding to your to-do list. Clearing mini-tasks quickly improves focus.
  • Touch Things Once – Process emails, papers, etc. immediately vs. setting them aside to handle later for faster task completion.
  • Use Flow Method – Tackle activities in short bursts separated by breaks, ideally with movement. This sustains mental energy and productivity (i.e. 25 minutes of intense work followed by a 5 minute break).
  • Kill the Complaint – Rather than wasting time complaining, take 2 minutes to offer a solution then refocus on your work.
  • Set Device Boundaries – Disable work email and messages after a specific time to unplug. Allow mental rejuvenation and better sleep for enhanced creativity.
  • Automate What You Can – Invest in tools that automate repetitive tasks like expense reporting, data entry, follow up emails, etc. to gain more high value time.

Small tweaks to how you work can add up to enormous productivity improvements over time. Identify hacks that resonate with you. Form habits that streamline focus and accelerate completion of priority tasks.

Cultivating Time Management Culture

For organisation-wide impact, nurture a culture that values productivity and prioritisation. It starts with leadership role modelling effective time management. Other cultural best practices include:

  • Lead by example – start and end meetings promptly, ensuring all have a clear agenda and purpose, avoid emailing or messaging at night or weekends to discourage off-hour work, share productivity tips and how structured routines and habits help your success.
  • Offer time management training – Provide tools and education to employees at all levels on maximising efficiency. Help managers coach teams.
  • Set organisation-wide priorities – Align company leaders on annual objectives and key results. This cascades focus throughout departments.
  • Encourage mindfulness – Create space for meditation, sleep, and wellness. Studies show these habits boost productivity and cognitive performance.
  • Question inefficient legacy systems – Identify cumbersome processes and remove unnecessary complexity. Automate where possible.
  • Foster transparency – Maintain open dialogue around individual and team productivity challenges. Proactively brainstorm better ways.
  • Recognise achievements – When teams make significant gains in productivity through improved practices, highlight and celebrate the progress. This motivates continuous improvement.
  • Promote collaboration – Bring people together to share learnings around effective time management tactics. Set up forums for best practice sharing.
  • Continually refine – Survey the organisation periodically to identify ongoing areas for improvement in processes and policies impacting productivity.
  • Monitor progress – Track relevant metrics like cycle times for key workflows, meetings per employee weekly, and percent of time spent on priority work. This visibility enables action.



Mastering time management takes commitment at both the individual and organisational level – it’s a journey, not a destination. But the payoff can be game-changing. Studies show effective time management boosts productivity by up to 40%. Employees get more high-value work done in less time, feeling more fulfilled and motivated. Leaders gain back hours previously lost to distractions. Strategic goals are achieved faster. And the bottom line sees supercharged growth.

Make time your ally instead of your adversary. Eliminate waste, empower your team, plan proactively, unlock productivity, and nurture a culture that values time and priorities above all. Implementation may take effort up front but establishing organisation-wide time management habits will be rewarded with increased profits and accelerated success in the long run.


And remember, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” – Warren Buffett



If you’d like learn more on this topic, the following articles and posts might be of interest.

Other articles to look forward to in this month’s focus on Managing Time and Priorities:

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David Allen – Getting Things Done

Mind Tools – Time Management

Brian Tracy – Eat That Frog

Asana – What is deep work? 7 ways to boost your concentration

HBR – How to Focus on What’s Important, Not Just What’s Urgent



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