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An interesting article in Inc. magazine was looking at leadership in the context of a 2019 study at the University of London which identified factors contributing to leadership performance and employee job satisfaction (employees generally leave their managers rather than their companies).

The study produced 7 key questions which leaders can ask themselves:

  1. Do I provide useful feedback on every employee’s work?
  2. Do I respect each employee as a person?
  3. Do I praise and recognize each employee when they do a good job?
  4. Do I help each employee get the job done?
  5. Do I encourage and support each employee’s development?
  6. Am I successful in getting people to work together?
  7. Do I help and support every employee?

Somewhat surprisingly, it seems the two critical questions are 4 & 5, as even poor leaders often score well on the issues of respect and recognition. What is key for employees, apparently, is that their leaders are competent, not just at an executive level but at employee job level, and that they actively encourage the skills development of their team.

As the article concludes, “Great bosses don’t just make their organizations better. They make the people around them better too.”


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